Hawaii Conservation Alliance
The Hawaii Conservation Alliance (HCA) is a cooperative collaboration of conservation leaders representing twenty-one government, education, and non-profit organizations. Its mission is to promote effective, long-term management of Hawaii's native ecosystems through collaborative research, training and outreach among land managers, scientists, educators and the general public. The HCA sponsors the annual Hawaii Conservation Conference, which drew more than 800 participants in each of the past 3 years (more than 1,100 during the 2009 Conference). The HCA was established in 1993 and CCRT has served as its administrative home since its establishment. CCRT Director, Kenneth Kaneshiro has served as Executive Chair of HCA since the beginning.
To learn more about the Hawaii Conservation visit their website at hawaiiconservation.org.
E Mālama Kākou: Reflections of the Hawaiʻi Conservation Alliance